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List of "must have " books for the  Systems guys.

Most of these books are available in our reference Library  (IIPS) 

Data Structures 

1.How to solve it by Computers ,Dromey                                      2.Data Structures using C and C++ Tannenbaum.                          3.Knuth 

Analysis and Design of Alogrithm

1.Introduction to alogrithmns   Cormen,Leiserson,Rivert

2. Digital Computer Organisation  Hariwitz,Sahini    

Structure of Computer Organisation,Tannenbaum PHI

Operating System

1.Peterson                                                                         2.Tannenbaum 


Computer Networks, Tannnenbaum.

TCP/IP, Comer. 


1.C J Date                                                                                    2.Korth 


1.Peter Norton                                                                       2.Advanced Dos Programming Ray Duncan.


1.Unix Shell Programmin -YAshwant Kanetkar                          2.Advanced unix A  programmers Guide Stephen Prata                     3.Test Your Unix Skills

Object Orientation

1.Grady Broooch                                                                     2.Rumbagh

C ( C is Sea )

1.C Documentation                                                                         2.Ansi C ,K and R                                                                       3.Guide To C Programming  Jack Purdum                                      4.C coloumn Y.Kanitkar                                                              5.C Under Dos Test Vijay Mukhi                                                      6.Test Your C Skills  Y.Kanitkar                                      7.Understanding Pointers in C  Y.Kanitkar                             8.Advanced C ,Herbert Schildts 

C ++

Jesse Liberty                                                                          Stroupstroups                                                                                 Teach yourself C++ Herbert Schilts

Computer Graphics

1.Principles and Practices of Computer Graphics

System Analysis and Design


Software Engineering


 More books

1)* "Object Technology: A Mgrs' Guide"; Taylor; 9/1997

 2)* Applying UML and Patterns: An Intro to OOAD; Larman;  9/1997

 3)* Concurrent Programming in Java 2 ED: Design Principles and Patterns; D.Lea ;11/1999

 4)* Design Patterns (Booch, Gamma et al) 10/1995

1)* "Object Technology: A Mgrs' Guide"; Taylor; 9/1997

Review of this book is there at www.objectsbydesign.com site. 

2)* Applying UML and Patterns: An Intro to OOAD; Larman; 9/1997

3)* Concurrent Programming in Java 2 ED: Design Principles and Patterns; D.Lea ;11/1999 (Addison Wesley).

For a great in-depth look at multithreading in general and the implementation of multithreading both in and with Java in particular

4) " Taming Threads" by Allen Hollub ( IBM guy ).In India, it is not available.However a few good articles written by Allen are available at his site  www.holub.com

5)* Design Patterns (Booch, Gamma et al) 10/1995

Best pattern book by Gang of Four. I want to correct you here. Booch is not at all envolved in the book. It is by Gamma , James Vlissides , helm & Prof. Ralph Johnson . Book is totally written with C++. You must have this book on your shelf. Invaluable resource.

Aptitude ( These books are good for preparing from the point of view of walkin .. as every company is having an aptitute test) 

RS Agrawal                                                                                Barrons                                                                                                 IMS notes                                                                                        George Summers Puzzle Book*                                                        Puzzle to puzzle you S K Devi                                                            More Puzzles  S K Devi.

Sunil Choudhary + Axay Darbari 


Personnel Management CB Mamoria


Mercantile Law N. D. Kapoor


Verbal /Non Vebal Reasoning     R..S. Agrawal


Marketing Management C.N.Sontaki


Man are from Mars &Women are from Venus John Gray